Learning the Art & Science of Hypnosis
& Neuro-Linguistic Programming
Continue your learning journey with John Vincent by joining this Hypnotic Membership…
You’ll go Deeper Still into the Art and Science of Hypnosis (and NLP).
We’ll be unlocking the Secrets of Hypnosis from its inception right up to the latest applications, approaches and cutting edge methodologies.
FAO: Life Coaches, Health Practitioners, Holistic Healers, Hypnotic and NLP Practitioners, Personal Development Enthusiasts and Consciousness Explorers!
Strengthen Your Foundations in Hypnosis, Synergize Your Use of NLP with Other Modalities & Exceed Your Clients Expectations
Join Today for just $97/MO and Get over $4000 in Bonuses.
*the Hypnotic Change Practitioner is unlocked weekly for a ‘live’ experience… with all the bonuses
Hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) are the latest cutting-edge evolutions of thousands of years of mental, emotional and spiritual techniques and technologies.
In this Monthly Membership program you’ll be going deep…
The Art and Science of Hypnosis, it’s a truly intriguing story!
Weaving all throughout human history…
“The ‘Trance’ State (associated with Hypnosis) has been achieved by many and varied means… across cultures and epochs of time.” John Vincent
Building on these understandings and going deep into the latest thinking. There is a WEALTH of knowledge to be gained here.
The more you know, the more solutions you have, and the more successes you can create.
To help people… “You’ve changed my life, Thank You” is an AMAZING thing to hear everyday. Real, meaningful job satisfaction.

Learning Hypnosis & NLP with John Vincent
“I love how you teach all of the content with Conversational Hypnosis! Really helps one Feel Good about your learning the content at an accelerated rate.”
Corey Zehnder
Hypnotherapist, NLP Master Practitioner, Author and Mind-set Coach
“John is a master communicator, and the way he delivers the content and teachings are top notch. This course will take you to the stratosphere”
Humber Rodriguez
Life Coach
“The webinar last night was amazing awe inspiring and right on my enlightened path to health wealth & happiness.”
Michael Smith
a.k.a Mooky Musik
John Vincent – Consciousness Explorer

John has spent the last three decades living, breathing, studying and learning: Hypnosis, NLP, Meditations, Accelerated Learning and a host of other related mind studies.
Learning from some of the biggest names in Hypnosis and NLP: Dr Richard Bandler, John & Kathleen LaValle and more…
Then assisting at their UK training events…

Recording his first Hypnosis Course in 2011 to amazing response, now our Shop has over 50 Hypnosis and NLP programs.
Developing his own unique approach to Conversational Hypnosis and NLP based change work.
John spends many months in different countries, exploring and deepening his understandings of systems for transformation and change…
Years of Experience
working in Private Practice with Hypnosis and NLP.
Since January 2005 John has assisted at over 60 Hypnosis and NLP Seminars with Dr Richard Bandler and the Society of NLP. Presenting to Over 10,000 Practitioner Students.
Hours of CPD – Continued Professional Development with the Society of NLP
Join & Become a Hypnotic Member Today

Hypnotic Members
Stay Current Learn the Latest Hypnosis…
Join today and Get $4000 in Bonuses
Each call is approximately 2 hours, in two halves… the first hour is consciously focused… a short break to digest… and then the second hour is rather hypnotic. Gaining a deeper understanding and proficiency of the content (technique, concept) through guided Conversational Hypnosis.
BONUS: Hypnotic Change Practitioner
Each week in your membership site you’ll gain access to a brand new set of audio lessons. The hypnotic skills, principles, techniques and more are shared here (see the full course in detail below).
Free Your Mind with NLP
Time to Free Your Mind and Manifest the life of Your Dreams.
It starts with the Structure of Thinking and more importantly three powerful techniques to take control of your thinking and builds from there…
This personal development video webinar series was originally weekly, a 4 week journey.
You don’t need to to put a week between watching each session, as long as you do the exercises and use the techniques as directed before watching the next one.
The Inner Circle
These live webinar recordings are part of John’s Inner Circle Archives. The information presented in these sessions, the techniques and bonuses are advanced stuff and WILL change your life!
You could learn almost anything personal development and change work related in these Inner Circle Sessions.
11 handpicked sessions include recordings of the live webinars that you can stream in your Members Area along with accompanying webinar notes.
NLP Online Workshops
These two hour workshops go deep on topics not covered in the other trainings… specific NLP applications and techniques.
Enjoy the benefits of joining these Online Video NLP Workshops 3-4 times a year… and gain instant access to this years recordings:
#1 Autosuggestion & Self-Hypnosis – Become your own Self-Hypnotist
#2 Belief Changer – Collapsing limiting beliefs… and building strong new beliefs
PLUS #3 Timeline for Clearing the Past and Creating the Future coming 21st January 2025.
The Equilux MindCamps
Equ means equal. Nox means night. Lux means Light. If it’s equal, then I’m going to focus on the light, not the dark.
Using All the Change Work technology to make on going personal change. Deep Releasing and Consciously Creating your future path.
Twice a year we will detox the mind and create new intentions for a Fantastic Future.
As a Hypnotic Member you get FREE Access to ALL 11 Day Live Equilux Challenges, the next Challenge starts on 20th March 2025.
Help People & Make a Difference. Make the World a Better Place
“I always remember the first time I used NLP with Hypnosis…
Its was a gorgeous English summers day and I’d chosen a stone circle near my friends house… he was a bit of an old hippie and it seemed like the perfect location.

Whilst walking uphill to the circle, all my talk was about how amazed he will feel… how free he will feel… how awesome it will be… he was becoming extremely excited to: be this new person. I ‘anchored’ it for later.
At the top I let him choose the stone he wanted to sit next to and so began the transformation. As he sat there I used a combination of NLP techniques, causing visible changes in him, this spurred me on… knowing that this NLP thing was Powerful!
Then, with the birdsongs and nature as our background, he laid back and relaxed into hypnosis…
You see ‘Priming’ the mind first with this mental technology, exponentially focuses the person on the outcome they want to achieve and creates positive change.
But it doesn’t stop there. Deep inside the hypnotic state you’ll again be using the principles from NLP to more elegantly make lasting change.
These NLP techniques were created by Dr Richard Bandler and are used as the number one ‘go to’ tools for some of the worlds most successful therapists and agents of change.
I still get emails from my first NLP & Hypnosis client, telling me how he’s healthier and I’ve added years to his life (his words not mine). Back then, almost 25 years ago, he smoked 60 cigarettes a day, he hasn’t touched one since!
It’s incredibly rewarding helping people to create positive shifts in their lives
…and NOW I’m bringing all this to you!”
John Vincent
Get FULL Access To ALL This When You Become a Hypnotic Member Today
Learn the Art & Science of Hypnosis & NLP

Learn the Art & Science of Hypnosis & NLP
Join the Hypnotic Membership Today & Get INSTANT ACCESS* to the FULL Streaming Platform
Just $97/MO cancel anytime
*the Hypnotic Change Practitioner program, is unlocked weekly for a ‘live’ experience.
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100% Risk Free Guarantee
Give this Hypnotic Membership 30 Days and if you are not 100% happy, get a FULL refund. You can cancel your Monthly Membership at any time.